Wednesday 13 April 2011

Michael Jackson Thef King of Pop

This giant image of The King of Pop is made of a single massive sheet of PVC and is conveniently located adjacent to one of the world's busiest airports: Heathrow, near London, where more than 100,000 passengers will see it each day.

The poster promotes the posthumous release, "Michael," which will be in stores this week.

"This poster has not only achieved incredible scale but it has combined this with intricate detail and having seen it up close I can confirm that the quality of the image is fantastic," Tarika Vara, Guinness World Records adjudicator, said in a statement. "Michael Jackson already holds a number of Guinness World Records and we are thrilled to award another title to the King Of Pop."

The 29,070 square-foot poster beats to old winner -- a poster for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics -- by more than 110 square feet.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Some crazy news!
Miss Jail Brazil 2011 is a murderer! – A prison in Recife, a city in the state of Pernambuco, recently held its inaugural Miss Jail pageant to join a growing global list of contests for beauties behind bars. Miss Jail 2011 is 19-year-old convicted murderer Rebecca Rhaysa Suelen Guedesin.
Schools in Paris will stink! – Paris wants green sources to fuel 30 percent of its energy needs by 2020 and a new heating project at a primary school is the city’s first using power from sewers. The technology takes advantage of the warm waste water flowing into the sewers from showers, dishwashers and washing machines. A steel plate containing heat-conveying fluid is submerged in the waste and feeds a heat exchanger pump — in this case located in the school’s cellar — which circulates heat through an existing network of radiators.
The crap-in-the-pants look is banned! – Students living in the state of Arkansas who love their sagging pants will soon have to leave them at home. Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe signed a bill this week that bans students from wearing clothing that exposes “underwear or buttocks.

Have a really weird week!